Getting Started

Once you have been formally accepted into the university, several things will take place:

Appointment of Pro Tem Supervisor

Soon after acceptance, you will be appointed a pro tem (interim) supervisor from your home university (the university with whom you will be registered as a doctoral student). Normally, this professor will end up being your final research Supervisor. Your pro tem supervisor will contact you to set up an entry meeting with you. The purpose of this meeting is to assist you in developing a program plan of study.

Plan of Study

To aid in this work, you and your pro tem supervisor will complete a Final Doctoral Plan of Study Form that will be submitted to the Program Administrative Office. Submission of this form confirms your full-time status in the program and it identifies additional special topics and independent studies that you will need to take. A modified residence plan and plan of study, in rare circumstances, may be permitted by completing the Revised Doctoral Plan of Study Form.

Supervisory Committee

Your pro tem (research) advisor will help you identify scholars to serve on your Supervisory Committee and will secure the approval of these committee members using the Approval of Supervisory Committee Membership Form. Normally, the Supervisory Committee will be fully constituted by June 30th of the first year of the program. It is possible to change members of this committee with the Request to Change Doctoral Supervisory Committee Membership.

Accessing the Library

The libraries at participating universities offer a variety of resources and services to support doctoral students registered in the program. For information on how to access information from participating institutions, please consult the Education Librarian as listed below:

Acadia University

Contact Person: Anthony Pash

Phone: (902) 585-1734

Mount Saint Vincent University

Contact Person: Sandra Sawchuk

Phone: (902) 457-6526


St. Francis Xavier University

Contact Person: Meghan Landry

Phone: (902) 867-4535

Setting up Technological Resources

To support your doctoral studies, you will need to possess and be able to use a recent model computer (desktop and/or laptop). Some students are using tablet technology to ease online reading. Students will be using a variety of online resources that require their devices have a reliable internet connection and audio capabilities (microphone and speakers). After admission to the program, students should consult with the following departments in their home university to ensure their varied devices are properly configured to enable full participation in the program.

Acadia University

Moodle Learning Management System (ACORN)

Phone (902) 585-1747


Mount Saint Vincent University

Distance Learning and Continuing Education

Collaborate and Moodle Learning Management System

Phone (902) 457-6511


St. Francis Xavier University

Blackboard Learning System

Phone (902) 867-3971



For student housing, learning assistance for foreign students, special needs students and emotional support, please contact your home university websites at: